Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a general name given to internet Technologies based on cloud and in short, an area where your resources  can be shared among users at any time using servers, computers, mobile phones and similar internet connected devices, applications and services can be accessed and your data is stored securely.

We can explain the advantages of cloud computing briefly:

  • No effort necessary for maintenance and management.
  • Almost infinite capacity so no need to worry for storage space.
  • Cloud-based applications and services are accessible anytime from anywhere – all you need is an Internet-connected device.

Cloud Computing Technology means that hardware and software resources are used in a shared way. To mention some of the benefits of cloud computing technology:

Flexibity and Productivity: An important condition for being fast is to be flexible. With Cloud Technology, capacity increases required or capacity reductions can be done quickly. Thanks to the flexibility r of the Cloud Technologies, the possibility of increasing or decreasing the capacity of the firms in case of need is saving the individuals and companies from a serious additional cost.

  • Time and Place Independent Working Opportunity: Cloud computing users can work at any time and any desired time interval with the condition of internet access.
  • Security: Security which is the biggest problem of information age is a serious burden for companies,. Firms have to run a large number of security experts only to make their systems more secure. When you think of it as a personal case, every year fort he reasons of burglary, computer and disk corruption  result in annihilation of internal information in the computers. If users choose to store their information in their cloud systems instead of their personal computers, it is possible that they can always access this information and continue to work more securely.
  • Software Updates: Firms’ dealing with software updates causes them to lose time and manpower. Also, software updates bring an additional cost to the company. With Cloud Computing Technology, these charges can be covered by the supplier companies and firms can be saved from this cost.
  • Competition: Cloud computing systems can provide dynamism to the competitive environment because it reduces the amount of capital, one of the biggest obstacles in front of initiatives that create the competition
  • Low Cost: The use of the cloud infrastructure is crucial as it increases profit margins for large firms, increases the competitive advantage of small firms, and reduces the obstacles in front of new entrepreneurs entering the industry. System costs are low in Cloud Computing Systems because of the common usage of hardware and software resources. In Cloud Computing Systems, there is no extra cost because pay is proportional to the resources used. With the use of Cloud Computing systems, up to 60% energy saving is a great contribution to the environment.
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